Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Web Design Rationale
Web design has been pretty interesting, i've enjoyed it for the most part and feel fairly confident with the programs. The first half of the project was a bit stressful with everything that could wrong actually going wrong and destroying all of my work.
I started off by making Illustrator files which were then modified in Fireworks and finally the whole thing was brought together in Dreamweaver. Illustrator was very simple to use as I was already accustomed with it. Fireworks raised a few problems but ultimately was a easy ride to complete my rollovers and change a few things. Dreamweaver and uploading to the web was where the problems arose, when I tried changing some of my HTML's in fireworks etc they weren't working in Dreamweaver and kept messing up my website. The links were easy to set up and the site was simple enough to set up following Thomas' video.
Ultimately The only way things started working was when I started to work from my laptop at home rather than the computers at Uni. My dreamweaver had crashed at uni and was rendered inoperable therefore not creating a site. I rectified this problem very easily however once I was on my laptop and my site was soon up and running. Apart from a few changes that brought up some issues last night everything has been running smoothly and I am overall extremely happy with my site. I also feel very confident in being able to edit my webspace from now on and feel as though it is a good reflection of the work I have put into it over the past 6 weeks.
I've changed my index page as well, added an extra rollover on the iainthompson:design part which flashes all of the links up to make it a bit more user friendly!

Changed a couple of pages, i didn't like my sketches page or profile page, uploaded them finally but messed up my website completely so took about 3-4 hours getting it back online and working and barely different than it was in the first place. The wonders of web design...

Thursday, 22 October 2009

WEBSITE IS ONLINE!!!! finally done it on my mac rather than the uni ones which crashed every chance they got! http://www.numyspace.co.uk/~unn_u017379/!!!!! check it out :D

Sunday, 11 October 2009

A few of my Finalish Designs, not sure on the Contact page design though, looks a bit crap compared to the rest of the pages. Also not completely mind made up on the profile page, thoughts?

A bit better but still need tweeked

Got the spacing a bit wrong on those ones, think i've corrected it now :D

A few Wire Frames

Portfolio Main Page, then Sketches, Photography and Portfolio pages, Profile page and Contact Page

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Slight adjustment to Hyperlinks.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Revised "how to make a brew!"
Another profile mockup, using the bubbles with a lowered opacity as a background, ending in a P for...Profile, pretty clever. Trying to keep it simple and centered to go along with the rest of the theme of the website.
First draft of flowchart for website, will obviously be added to once website design begins :D
A few different Wire Frames for my profile page. The square will be a picture whereas the rectangles will be a block of text with a possible title, I quite like the bubble P though without it even saying profile, not sure what to do yet!

Saturday, 3 October 2009

check out the Avatar trailer --------> looks awesome

Friday, 2 October 2009

How to make a cup of tea!
A few mock ups of my website functions, the first image is THOMPSON:DESIGNER which pops up and stays once you mouse over the bubble name, it gradually fades to half opacity. The next image up shows the options to follow once you mouse over the circles in the capital I. The last image is a mock up of my profile page, I don't like it however as it is not very inkeeping with the rest of the website.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009